Target H.O.P.E. | Healing. Opportunity. Pride. Empowerment.
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Healing. Opportunity. Pride. Empowerment.

Target H.O.P.E has one of the highest graduation rates in the nation.

Target H.O.P.E is a non-profit organization that is committed to eradicating the high school attrition crisis in Chicago Public Schools.  Our paramount mission is to implement a holistic approach to educating children by elevating their self-esteem, values, and leadership attributes.  Our salient objective has focused on implementing best practices to ensure students enroll and matriculate from college.  Since 1994, we have sent 6,777 students to 28 colleges and Universities.  Target H.O.P.E.’s three tier components has translated to 47% of Alumnus who pursued graduate and professional school, ranking one of highest rates for minority students.


Target H.O.P.E. was awarded the BP Amoco Award Winning Pre-College Program of the year.  Through strategic alliances with universities and scholarship programs, Target HOPE has generated over $425,000,000 in scholarship awards for thousands of students.  Target H.O.P.E. is proud to have accomplished alumnus impacting the nation.


Healing, opportunity, pride, and empowerment are concepts that are reinforced to inspire self-confidence in students that are often dismissed and written off.  Our model provides empirical evidence that at-risk minority children will excel if the educational paradigm is reformed.  They can then contribute to a more diverse, educated workforce that can fuel the nation’s economy and foster innovation and effectiveness.


Target H.O.P.E is elated by the continued support of family foundations and businesses.

And we appreciate your individual support.